Versione italiana

Preliminary Meeting in Italy

In realization in Potenza in the period 18-23 February 2010

During this period there is the meeting in Potenza of the various project leaders of the different project Partners:
- ITALY (Euro-net)
- AUSTRIA (Wonder)
- ROMANIA (Green Echoes Association)
- DENMARK (VUC Vestsjælland Syd)

Unfortunately nobody from TURKEY (To be with nature) had the possibility to come at the meeting (later it left the project for internal reasons of its organisation).

At the meeting preliminare participates also mr. Gianluca Lagrotta (expert of animation, director and movie-maker many times awarded in different cinema-festival).

Many things in discussion:
- how to develop the cartoon
- main arguments to face
- how to promote the cartoon in the various countries
- how to coinvolve young people in its creation

(In the photos some moments of the APV).