Versione italiana

Lezione sull'Europa

Communication Plan OP ESF Basilicata 2013-2017

The project included the following actions:
1. Update of the above lesson on the EU, the ESF and the OP ESF Basilicata 2007-2013 in the framework of the new EU member states, as well as blank sheets of synthetic presentation of the new community programming on the 2014-2020 European Social Fund
2. Reproduction of n. 1500 copies of the CD and DVD with trifold case containing the CD and DVD media and an explanatory brochure, excluding the costs for the acquisition of SIAE
3. Organization and implementation of n. 5 informational meetings to present the "lesson" to teachers of first and second level to be held in Potenza, Matera, Melfi, Lagonegro and Senise