Versione italiana

2nd Meeting in Potenza

IT&C – gateway to the future for people with disabilities

Minutes of the 2nd partner meeting
March 3 – 8, 2006
Potenza, Italy

Participating parties:
Euro-Net – Antonino Imbesi (Italy)
Dost Special Education and Rehabilitation Centre – Sitki Yildiz and Selin Kor (Turkey)
The Foundation for European Initiatives – Kevin Osmond (Great Britain)
Esperando Association– Andrada Cracin, Daniel Filipas, Cristian Serban (Romania)
Lithuanian Welfare Society for people with Mental Disabilities “Viltis” – Kristina Vrubliauskaitë (Lithuania)
NGO “John Atanasov” – Maya Arnaud, Neli Petrova, Yuliyan Petrov (Bulgaria)
ATRIUM - Joost Thissen, Lavinia Fantasia, Natasha Hoefhamer (Netherlands)

The second meeting of project partners took place in Potenza, Italy. Hosting organization was Euro-Net, and the meeting took place in its office.

The questions on spot:
- Presentations of organizations
- Results obtained
- Further development of project
- Dates for the next meeting

Presentations and results.

The first day (4th of March) hosting organization was presented. Other partners introduced their organizations also as some partners were absent in the first meeting in Baia Mare. These presentations took place several days as different partners arrived o different time. Daniel Filipas introduced with the press publications in relation with the project.
Alongside with presentations, discussions on how the project was going on took place. Euro-Net presented leaflets issued for the project as well as introduced to NavigAbile project, which was carried out together with Italian Association of Down Persons (AIPD) and support of Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and European Commission. The result of this project – a software facilitating communication of people with learning disabilities, particularly with Down syndrome, through Internet. Using this software people with disabilities (dyslexia, seeing problems, information processing impairments, etc.) can arrange information in the best accessible way for them (large letters, pictures, slow or fast communication of information/question, etc.) At the moment, software is available in Italian, but in near future it will be translated into English.
Kevin Osmond made his presentation on designing e-learning software for people with disabilities (deaf, blind, autistic). Several software examples were presented like “Manage my Emotions” (for young autistic people), “Travel with me” (introduction of London metro system and routs for people with disabilities).
Kristina Vrubliauskaitë presented some results that were obtained from the research done; the information is still being gathered. What is known from Lithuanian part now is that IT&C is used in education of people with disabilities, particularly intellectual disability and cerebral paralysis, but most of it, especially for adults (from 21-years-old) is not recognized as included in official education programs, even informal education, and mostly serve as part of leisure activities. Still, in educational center for children with disabilities “Viltis” some accommodated hardware and software is used, just the more concrete description is not received yet. Other centers that provide training on IT&C usage mostly use MS Word applications, some MS Office Paint for creative activities, computer games to develop certain skills and abilities.
Bulgarian partners introduced the software they developed with IT company on training how to use mouse, and getting acknowledged with computer and how it functions. It includes theoretical and practicing part. Could be translated to English and other languages.
“Association Esperando” overviewed what they have found about the hardware and software used in education in general, and education of people with intellectual disabilities: accommodated mices, keyboards, touch-boards, whitescreens, etc. Also, they have introduced some websites where more information about e-learning software and hardware could be found (http://e-bility/links, (material for parents of children with disabilities),

Further development of the project.

After first meeting, it was decided to make a groupware for project team. This task was entrusted for ATRIUM. Establishment of groupware is almost finished and should be soon available to be started.
Further research on software and hardware availible should be continued.
Discussions on opportunities for translation of the software presented by Euro-Net took place, as well as discussion on the contents of compendium arose. There is lots of material on the issue, but the point was made that for the compendium of this project we should select material based on the recommendation of specialists working in the field as well as best practices.
Also, partners were encouraged to make their input into weblog ( with articles, news, etc.

Dates for the next meeting.

Next meeting is scheduled for 23-24 of June in London, UK. Arrival on 22nd of June, departure – on 25th.