Versione italiana

Our Europe in comics

The evaluation

The evaluation will be realized with formularies that could be spelled in the last 2 months of activities:
- during the meeting in the schools and associations;
- directly on internet.
To answer to expected objective, at least, the project should produce the following 2 results:
1. dissemination of European concepts, aims, opportunities, initiatives and policies of COE;
2. increasing the sense and the concept of European citizenship in all participants and beneficiaries.
In the last 15 days the coordinator of the project will analyse systematically all informations received to verify the grade of realization of the mentioned objectives.
This notice will be printed in a booklet.


1. DVD production in comics about the birth and increasing of Council of Europe
2. The partners
3. The context and the motivation
4. The participants and the beneficiaries
5. The purpose of the project
6. The preparation
7. The preparatory meeting (24-29 May 2006)
8. Project's follow up
9. The evaluation