Versione italiana

The project

Action n.2021-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000033080

The project “CoopCities: Learning from urban cities sustainable solutions to deal with the global challenges faced due to COVID pandemic” (acronym “CoopCities”). is aimed at developing the skills and competencies of different urban actors to be able to respond to unexpected challenges. Within this framework, the project aims to develop an innovative training model for VET trainers/educators to help them acquire the skills and competencies on how to deal with unexpected global challenges faced in their cities, such as the pandemic of COVID-19. The training model will be combined with training materials using digital means, i.e. serious games and e-learning portal, video narrations, digital case studies, all available as OER in the project's e-learning portal. The initiative will help promote and support the 2030 Agenda and its 17 goals for sustainable development.