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programme LLP Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation

The interface between lower secondary education and the entrance into the labour market is for many young people, especially for young people with special education needs or difficult socio-economic background a sensible stage of development. The high risk to drop out of education or training without having a job often has serious consequences for the whole life of young people. They are more likely to have a lower socio-economic status for their lifetime. Low levels of education do also have high economic and social consequences for the society although there is a progress in reducing early school leavers there is still the question which perspectives to young people realize.

Aim and Objectives
- Exchange of good practises with an inclusive and participative approach.
- Collaboration with young people as experts in their own matters.
- Analysing EU projects and good practice examples and improve the Austrian Youth Coaching Concept with pedagogical elements from the analysed good practice examples.
- Developing curricula for a Peer-Education-Seminar and a Peer-Group-Workshop to better reach youth at risk.
- Designing a Transferability Guideline
- Testing the developed Curricula in partner countries.

A MY WAY Compilation (including desk research results, good practice examples, developed curricula, a transferability guideline, the modified Youth Coaching Concept and test- and evaluation results) will be produced, which will lead to a better reach ability of youth at risk within partner countries and interesting EU countries. The compilation will be produced in a range of languages. The compilation's curricula will be tested in AT, PL, ES, MT, and DE. The Compilation will be published on the project website and disseminated through an international exploitation seminar.

The partnership consists of 6 organisations from 5 countries representing a good balance of EU regions. All partners are facing similar problems in the youth employment field.

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