Versione italiana

The project REUERHC

action n. 2018-1-IT01-KA202-006739

The project "Reinforce EU economies, reinforcing human capital" (acronym REUERHC) aims to:
• help the integration of the target group (represented by migrants and refugees)
• give this target group the opportunity to develop opportunities for self-employment
• also help the national economies of the countries hosting migrants.
In fact, the target group can become a very useful workforce mine to European countries because it would support local economies with new prosperity and new job opportunities.
Since migrants and refugees represent a group that is often at risk of exclusion, the project's primary objective is to make available, train and encourage the development of professional qualifications that help these people in their careers.
In this sense, the project pursues the strategic objectives of international cooperation established in the Copenhagen process in the field of vocational education and training and follows the guidelines of the Europe 2020 strategy.
Human migration is a centuries-old phenomenon that dates back to the early periods of human history and it is a complex phenomenon that affects a multiplicity of economic, social and security aspects that influence our daily life in an increasingly interconnected world.
On the one hand, migration contributes to improving the lives of people moving from their countries of origin to seek a safe and meaningful life abroad (often due to conflicts, persecutions, degradation, etc.) and on the other side , can create problems for the
hosting communities. In this context, however, we must not forget that human capital coming from qualified immigrants can represent an important source of innovation in the hosting countries and can contribute, if well managed, to becoming a source of development.

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