Versione italiana

Entrepreneurial Countryside to Boost Rural Businesses

Ref. n.2023-1-ES02-KA210-YOU-000153263

The project "Entrepreneurial Countryside to Boost Rural Businesses" (acronym "ECOBRUB") was approved in Spain within the Erasmus Plus KA210-YOU - Small-scale partnerships in youth program by the competent National Agency.

It aims to reduce unemployment among young people in rural areas by providing them with tools to promote their own business.

The initial partners of the project were:
- Association de Cooperation al Desarollo ABARKA (Spain – project coordinator),
- Asociatia REVAMA (Romania),
- Asociación Deportiva y Cultural Entrejuegos (Spain)
- EURO-NET (Italy)
but during the development of the initiative the Asociatia REVAMA (Romania) was replaced by S.C. PREDICT CSD CONSULTING S.R.L.(Romania).