Versione italiana

01-Meeting in Ciprus

realized in Nicosia in the period 1-4 november 2009

Have been taken in recent days (from 1 to 4 November 2009) in the city of Nicosia in Cyprus the the first meeting of the project "AMBIANCE-Ambitious CHALLENGE: Active Citizens of Europe" (Action No. 2009-1-CY1-00492-GRU06 -5) made under the LLP Grundtvig Partnerships.
The project involves the construction of a course, translated into various languages of the partner, about European citizenship that can be used both for ordinary citizens and for immigrants, and that should be developed in the following six training modules:
- The values of active European citizenship
- The European history and its impact on member countries and the world
- The Ethical Consumer
- The European Union - Facts and Figures, Economy and Trade
- Human rights and empowerment
- Art, music and culture of each European nation.
The course objective will be to give the possibility to understand what it means to be part of Europe, sharing each other's cultures and ways of life, promoting a sense of brotherhood and solidarity towards immigrants, etc..
Course activities will be aimed at adult learners aged 16 and older, who are no longer in the system of initial training in their respective countries. There is a learners' active participation in project activities in order to make them part of the same dynamic.
The meeting, held in the beautiful surroundings of the Hilton Hotel, was attended by two representatives of our association.
The project partnership is fairly large: in fact, in its activities participate organizations coming from the following countries:
- Cyprus (Zeuxis Innovations Ltd)
- England (Northumberland College)
- Slovenia (društvo Mladinski CEH)
- Italy (EURO-NET)
- Romania (Grup Scolar Industrial Stefan Procopiu)
- Poland (The Union of Associations MULTIKULTURA)
- Lithuania (College of Social Sciences)
- Estonia (Piiriveere Liider)
- Spain (ONECO)
- Estonia (Estonian Survival Society).
The next project meeting will be held in the city of Ljubljana in Slovenia in the first months of next year 2010.